Grizzly Bear

The mighty Grizzly what a beautiful animal. If one walks in front of your path, you see one on a nature show, or one appears in your dreams, it is reminding  you to be FEARLESS. The Grizzly is a Great Spirit Animal for STRENGTH WISDOM & PROTECTION. You are an old soul with many lessons already learned. Honor your intuition & follow where it leads you. Real strength is found in LOVE & GENTLENESS. Be very protective of the young. Another lesson from the Grizzly is the need for alone time. Time for INTROSPECTION. Grizzly bears hibernate in the winter & emerge in the spring with New Wisdom from the Dreamtime which gives them a strong link to SPIRIT. If the Grizzly is your spirit animal NEVER GIVE UP & you will always SUCCEED. YOU ARE A SURVIVOR. You also have the ability to HEAL