
If a Giraffe shows itself to you in a dream, in a vision, or in meditation you are being guided to not be afraid to look ahead. Do not resist change. Step back and look at your life from a higher perspective. See ALL situations from a higher perspective. You will be able to cross into new realms and remain above any chaos. Discover any past life connections with Africa. Possibly you might have to reach a bit but you will achieve your goals. You have gifts of intuition, foresight and wisdom. The Giraffe’s crown chakra is  open, showing that you are balanced between both worlds, earth and spirit. When you tune into the Spirit of Giraffe you will start to see life from a higher perspective. You will be able to stick your neck out for what you want despite any risks. Giraffe will bring more balance, gracefulness, courage, gentleness and more wisdom.